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الشرق الأوسط الشرق الأوسط

Watch the story unfold for Roger Keeney, as he meets up with Tommy Kendall to get behind the wheel of a Mustang 5.0 convertible.

Three engines.One soul. Discover more at http://ford.to/1KHqkEQ

After losing his sight twenty years ago, Roger Keeney gets a chance to live out his dream of getting back behind the wheel and unleashing his Mustang side. At the Ford Proving Grounds in Phoenix , Ariz, Keeney meets up with pro racer Tommy Kendall and is introduced to the 2010 Ford Mustang Convertible. Watch as he takes the driver's seat and with a little coaching, quickly finds the comfort to kick into high gear and execute a series of tire-smoking doughnuts.

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الشرق الأوسط الشرق الأوسط